Sonic TH Sprite Comics Inc.
Tuxedo Alex's Comics


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Sonic TH Comics
Neoheero Comics
MagusTheGreat's Comics
Sonic Orochi Comics
Tails90 Comics
Tuxedo Alex's Comics
Piccolo920 Comics
Moronman's Comics
Knuckles3000 Comics

Well, at last, someone actually did it the way I requested on the opening page. They included a personal message. Here it is:

Hey, this is Tuxedo Alex here, with my own series of off-the-wall Sonic sprite comics. Not much plot to go with these, but these comics are broken into sections (as per the titles). Sprties are credited to Psyguy, as well as the inspiration to do these.

Also, his are the first that I've had that fall into more than one series. The first comic is called "Intense Pointing...Action!". The next two comics are a seperate series (that's why the gap is there). Their names are "Popularity Contest". So enjoy!

"Intense Pointing...Action!"

"Popularity Contest" Pg. 1

"Popularity Contest" Pg. 2